Longmont Spinal Flow at Blooming Massage
I'm Dayna Orton, I'm the owner of Blooming Massage. I have been a licensed massage therapist in the state of Colorado for 15 years. I am extremely passionate about helping my clients thrive, so I've been consistently learning throughout my career. I am thrilled to now be a certified Spinal Flow practitioner. Blooming Massage is now home to Longmont Spinal Flow.
My MISSION is to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, helping them unlock their full potential for healing and transformation.
Imagine a world where your body isn't in a response mode to survive but rather THRIVE. When you surrender to your body's innate life force energy, the benefits are LIMITLESS.
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Interview with Good Morning Longmont
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Heather McChesney from Keller Williams Realty and Good Morning Longmont highlighting Longmont Spinal Flow. Take a look!
Spinal Flow Technique
The Spinal Flow Technique focuses on the 7 Gateway of the Spine and 33 access points to locate and release blockages caused by unprocessed chemical, physical, and emotional stress that got held within the body. Over time those stressors form as blockages and layers that interfering with your cerebral spinal fluid, blood, lymph and nerve impulses running through the spine, and inhibits the body's ability to heal and function properly.
Combining science with holistic healing, the Spinal Flow Technique is grounded in the belief that your body already processes everything it needs to heal, the scientific fact that your nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body.
I am gently holding access points that communicate directly to the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord. Subsequently, this extends out to the rest of the body--the peripheral nervous system--to activate the body’s healing response.
The nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord, and millions of nerves. While your brain is protected by the skull, your spinal cord is protected by the 24 moving bones of the spine. Many everyday activities can cause these spinal bones to lose their normal position or motion. This can result in nervous system dysfunction and ultimately, ill health. The spinal flow approach to better health is to detect, reduce and help prevent nervous system blockages and creating more ease in the body.
This powerful yet gentle touch approach guides your body into a state of deep healing, helping your feel more at ease, grounded, and in flow. As your chemical, physical and emotional blockages release it allows the nervous system to communicate freely once again.
It’s a term we use in Spinal Flow to describe what happens when one of the vertebrae in your spine is out of alignment. When this happens, the misaligned vertebrae may create pressure on the nerves of the spinal column and the surrounding blood vessels and muscle tissue. This pressure blocks the proper flow of signals from the brain to the body (and vice versa), which affects the body’s ability to regulate itself and maintain a healthy balance. If the spinal blockage is not released, the damage to the nerves and blood supply gets progressively worse, and the body has to either compensate, or create symptoms of illness and dis-ease in order to alert you to the issue. Spinal blockages can occur in many ways. A car accident, athletic injuries, birth trauma, a fall or a sudden movement are all acute experiences that can cause the spine to move out of alignment. Spinal blockages can also occur over longer periods of time due to repetitive actions such as poor sleeping position, bad posture or repeated stress. Stress can also be emotional or chemical, and a Spinal Flow Practitioner is able to determine the type of stress that is affecting the spine and to help their clients release it and return the spine and the nervous system back to optimum functioning.
Dr. Carli Axford, a chiropractor, created the Spinal Flow Technique by building upon her extensive practical experience and passion for investigating diverse healing methods during her travels. Her work led to the discovery of the body's intrinsic healing wisdom, known as the 'Spinal Flow Wave.' This phenomenon can manifest in three distinct ways: through movement, breath, or a state of perception. In all cases, the body connects fully with the parasympathetic nervous system, facilitating the healing process. I am honored to be a part of the growing Spinal Flow community she has enriched with the tools to make a difference in people's lives.
Spinal Flow Healing Sessions
In your initial spine wellness check and 1st private healing session you will receive a posture, balance, range-of-motion and palpation assessment. We will go over your wellness questionnaire that is filled out before your appointment and discuss if any of your health issues or concerns corollate with the assessment findings to identify chemical, physical and emotional blockages. After you have a full understanding of what Spinal Flow is, what to expect during and after a session and discuss certain expectations you may have on your healing we will move forward to a 45-minute healing session. After your initial visit you have an option to continue private Spinal Flow healing sessions or Spinal Flow group healing sessions (max 3 people). Both are equally beneficial in your journey. Together can discuss what would be best for you.
I know everyone's healing journey is very personal and unique and as we are addressing the release of emotional, physical, and chemical blockages held within the body it's important to be gentle with yourself.
As releases occur you may feel symptoms:
Chemical Releases - Detox symptoms such as feeling sluggish, skin irritation, or purging are normal but may not feel great in the moment. None the less, it's positive change. I recommend drinking lots of water after a healing session.
Physical Release - It's normal to feel stiff or in discomfort after a session because the body will need to time to adjust to the changes that are happening. I recommend getting a massage, using a heating compress, take an epson salt bath and know that it will get better.
Emotional Release - As an emotional release occurs it may not be pleasant in the moment but it's good to go through it and once it's released it will be gone. I recommend leaning on the people in your support system, and find ways to ground yourself such as, a walk in nature, journaling and meditation.
All these responses are normal and expected. If you feel no different, don’t get upset, its ok. When we tune into your body, we become self-aware again, we can recognize the changes that are happening, and when you recognize the changes that are happening, you have greater shifts.
Our goal is to restore your health and get rid of your symptoms. This takes time and there will be periods of highs and low – stick with it as overall we are moving towards the direction of good health.
SUBMIT YOUR WELLNESS QUESTIONNIRE - Please fill out your wellness questionnaire at least 2 days prior to your appointment allowing me to look over it ahead of your appointment.
ARRIVE ON TIME - Please be mindful of your appointment time, we are quite busy. If you arrive late to your appointment, you are missing out on time that we would like you to be on the table.
EAT WELL - Eat foods that are fresh and unprocessed. This will give your body all the nutrients and building blocks you need to heal and be as healthy as you can. Gluten and dairy can be hard for your body to digest so advise to keep to a minimum. A diet full of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and good protein is ideal.
REST - It can often take time to heal and repair damaged body tissues. Be gentle with your body and avoid activities that you find stressful or uncomfortable. Be particularly careful lifting objects (bend and use your legs) and reduce twisting your spine on top of your pelvis. You should only sleep on your side or back and its essential for your curvature in your neck that you use a contoured pillow.
MOVE - Without distressing your body, move as much as you can. This will help your muscles, ligaments, bones and joints to heal more quickly and fully. We are not designed to sit at a computer all day, please move and stretch every 10 minutes when sitting at a computer.
LEARN - Learn about your body, health and the healing process. People who understand more improve more quickly and get greater long-term benefits.
Everyone's healing journey is very personal and unique, and I am willing to work with what works best for you. However, just as your condition took time, probably years, to develop, resolution will take time as well, though thankfully not YEARS.
A PLAN FOR THE QUICKEST CHANGE TO OCCUR: I recommend a course of treatment would be 3 intervals of 12 sessions, the first set of 12 being 3 x a week, if possible (or more often for debilitating or acute conditions), then dropping to 2 times a week and lastly, 1 time per week. We reassess every 12th session and will adjust treatment accordingly. Every person and their healing ability is unique and individual.
Private and Group Healing Sessions are available however, group healing sessions are recommended to accommodate frequent visits a week. As a current Longmont Spinal Flow client, you are now eligible to receive group healing sessions which is often more enhanced and it's more affordable for more frequent healing sessions. BOOK A GROUP HEALING SESSION and PURCHASE A PACKAGE.
When clicking the GIFT CERTIFICATE button below, you will have a choice to purchase a physical gift certificate to be mailed to you/recipient. Or an electronic gift certificate will be emailed directly to the recipient or yourself to print out. You may also purchase a physical gift certificate at your next massage appointment.
For those who are interested in a physical gift certificate at our office. The best practice is to call us at (303) 827-5101, and we can coordinate a meeting time. Please call if you have any questions.